Delivering To:
Stafford – Stafford Heights – Gordon Park – Lutwyche – Grange – Windsor – Alderley – Newmarket – Herston – Kelvin Grove.

Frequently Asked Questions​

We deliver Monday to Friday between the hours of 10.00am to 11.30am.  Your first few deliveries will give you a good idea of when to expect your future deliveries.

You can have meals delivered as often as you want.  We have clients who get a meal three days a week and 2 frozen meals for the weekends.  Some of our clients get one delivery of frozen meals a week delivered on the day of their choice. It all depends on your circumstances and what you need

Yes, somebody needs to be at your home to receive the meals.  We are unable to leave food unattended due to food safety regulations. Our volunteers also check clients during their visit to ensure they are not in need of any assistance or support.

If you aren’t going to be home for your delivery please contact the office as early as possible but no later than 8.00am on the day of the scheduled delivery to cancel your delivery or to arrange to pick your meal up from the kitchen.

Please note – you can arrange for a neighbour to take delivery of your meal.

We will ring you if you are not home. If we do not get a reply, we will take the meal away.

Unfortunately we cannot leave the meal in an esky or at your door and you will be charged for the meal. We will also contact your next of kin or emergency contact to ensure that you are out and not in need of any emergency assistance.

We cater for most dietary needs.  We can cut your meal, provide blended, mashed or pureed meals for those who require a texture modified diet, we do gluten free meals and cater to clients with allergies.  We cater for anyone who has special requirements whether it’s for a short period or permanently.  If you need any special assistance, phone our friendly staff on (07) 3356 2382 between 7:30am and 11.30am.

(If calling outside normal business hours please leave a message on the answering machine)

When you order via our website, the choice is yours as to how you pay for your meals.

You can pay cash on delivery for every meal, or you can pre-pay via credit card online.

If you aren’t ordering online, then payment is made via cash or cheque to the volunteer delivering your meal OR you can pay by direct deposit to our bank account.  For more information call our Office Manager Sue on (07) 3356 2382 between 7:30am and 11.30am Monday to Friday

No, we have a strict privacy policy and take great care of your personal details. No information is available to outside organisations without your written permission.